Speedy Treadmill Workout

Hey everyone, guess what? It’s Friday!! We made it! It felt so good to sleep in my own bed last night and even better to get greeted by this little face when I got home:


She was so excited she did 10 laps around the kitchen table, then showed me every single one of her toys. Adorable.

Last night was low key since I’d been gone all week. I just enjoyed spending some time with Riley and unpacking. We had some lasagna for dinner (no pics, sorry) and got caught up on our DVR shows.

Workout & Breakfast

Today it felt so good to be back at my own gym! Wanna know what didn’t feel good? Having to start my car in the pitch black to defrost it at 4:45 AM. When did it get so cold outside?! It was 36 degrees outside when I went to the gym and for Williamsburg it’s waaay too early to be that cold!

When I got to the gym, I felt like doing some intervals on the treadmill and getting some speedy runs in. I did the following 30 minute workout and it got me nice and sweaty!

30 minute treadmill

It felt great to get those sprints in at the end! After my run, I grabbed a medicine ball and did some ab work for ten minutes before doing some stretches.

Since it’s so cold out, I really wanted something warm for breakfast. I heated up some oatmeal and mixed in honeycrisp apples chunks, dried cranberries and some walnuts. I topped it off with a drizzle of honey for some sweetness.


It was really good! Next time I think I’ll add a bit more honey, but it hit the spot for what I needed!

I’ve got a crazy catch-up day ahead of me at work, so I better run and get that coffee going. Have a wonderful weekend!

What are you looking forward to this weekend?

What do you like to mix with your oatmeal?

Author: Kelly Runs for Food

My name is Kelly and I'm a 36 year old living in Williamsburg, VA. I'm a wife, runner, healthy(ish) eater, animal lover, and wine enthusiast. My blog is all about finding a balance of healthy living and occasional indulgences. Hope you enjoy reading!

13 thoughts on “Speedy Treadmill Workout”

  1. i like overnight oats in a jar. toss in oatmeal, cinnamon, a scoop of brown sugar, some fresh berries, almond milk, shake and stick it in the fridge. sometimes i’ll add a scoop of protein powder to boost my protein. YUM!!

  2. oohh that oatmeal looks soo good! i know- when did it get so cold out?! actually i know when- yesterday or the day before. it went from such a nice fall to early winter literally overnight! oh well, it is the northeast after all 🙂

  3. Oh that treadmill workout sounds kind of fun! Normally I get bored running on a treadmill but that looks like it would keep me entertained 🙂 I LOVE mixing peanut butter in my oatmeal… but then again, I like peanut butter mixed into almost anything 😉

  4. That oatmeal looks delicious! I love adding craisins to things. I love adding peanut butter, jam and berries to my oatmeal as well as coconut flakes, goji berries and seeds, nut butter…really anything 🙂

    Your dog is way way too cute!!

  5. AWWW…cutest smile ever. I can’t believe she showed you all of her toys too…so sweet. Ugh, melts my heart.

    It is so hard to get out of bed early now that it’s cold. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, you rock! I’ll have to save that workout for when I get back on the treadmill, hopefully very soon!

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