Friday Obsessions

It took forever….seriously..forever…but we made it to Friday!!

Last night was “get stuff done” night, so I cleaned the house from top to bottom while Riley went grocery shopping. Annoying to do it during the week after a long day, but so worth it that tonight I get to come home to a clean house and food in the kitchen to start the weekend! My brain is fried, so I have very little of substance to discuss today. I will, however, share some things I’ve been obsessing over and loving this week.

1) Tortellini & Broccoli soup

tortellini and broccoli soup

On Monday, I made a big pot of this soup by Sarah over at Making Thyme for Health. I made a couple small swaps in terms of broth and spices based on what I had, but basically followed the whole recipe. It’s a winner, let me tell you! I’ve eaten it for lunch almost every day this week. I think I made too much, but it’s seriously worth it. I’m having it again today.

2) Flowers from Riley


I love him. He apparently “heard in my voice” that I could use them. I guess hours buried under data at work will make you sound like a zombie.

2) EOS Lip balm


I keep wracking my brain trying to figure out why this lip balm is different from other lip balms. It’s not. It’s just a whole lot more fun to put on, cause it’s round.

4) This article- Mentally Strong People: The 13 Things They Avoid. I saw this article all over the internet yesterday and I loved it. It really reminded me of a lot of the people I’ve met lately in the blogging world: strong, supportive, resilient, and willing to work for what they want. I know a lot of bloggers out there have had setbacks, challenges, or injuries lately that required throwing the plan out the window. As we all know, mental strength is just as important to running (or any other workout) as physical strength and I’m always so impressed with how strong you all are!

5) These sweet potato tortilla chips


They sell these in the dining area right outside my office and they. are. addictive. They’re the perfect snack when you’re craving salty and crunchy and they have all wholesome, real ingredients. I could eat them every day!

As for my weekend plans, I’m super happy to report that I have none. I have major plans to stay in, catch up on all my favorite tv shows, snuggle with the pets, make a massive breakfast at home, nap, read, and nap some more. I may throw in some productivity and a workout at some point. Or I may park the tv on Lifetime Movie Network and not move for hours on end. Either way, I think I’ll be happy.

Hope you all have a great day and an even better weekend!

What are you doing this weekend?

What’s a current obsession of yours?

Author: Kelly Runs for Food

My name is Kelly and I'm a 36 year old living in Williamsburg, VA. I'm a wife, runner, healthy(ish) eater, animal lover, and wine enthusiast. My blog is all about finding a balance of healthy living and occasional indulgences. Hope you enjoy reading!

26 thoughts on “Friday Obsessions”

  1. I’ve been seeing that lip balm everywhere I was wondering what the fuss was all about ! lol And I’m definitely going to check out that link, thanks for sharing

    -Elise @

  2. I get to celebrate my big sis birthday by making her some healthy recipe birthday cake pancakes 🙂 I have currently been obsessed with butternut squash I don’t know what I’m going to do when it’s out of season 😳

  3. I’m also obsessed with EOS lip balm. I have the minty one and I love the sensation it gives my lips after I roll it on (okay– that came out dirty, but you know what I mean) :p

  4. Your weekend sounds a lot like mine! I’m really looking forward to relaxing and snuggling with my pup. My hubbby loves those sweet potato chips with hummus. I found them at Walmart, but couldn’t find them last time I went. I’ll have to check our local grocery store because they’re really good!

  5. Current obsession? Definitely chocolate… I haven’t been able to get enough of it in hone past couple of weeks, and it doesn’t look like my craving is going away any time soon. As for weekend plans, Catching Fire and snowboarding are on the agenda so far 🙂 Happy Friday!

  6. OMG…I love that pic of the baby! So funny! Those EOS lip balms are quite an obsession of mine. I think it does have to do with the rounded shape. Those sweet potato chips are dangerously good! I have to stop myself from buying them sometimes because I’ll ended up eating the entire bag myself. 😉

  7. Thanks for the link to that article- a great read and definitely many points to take on board! I am currently obsessed with these lamington pancakes I tried experimenting with. (google lamingtons- its an Australian thing- SO. GOOD).

    This weekend I’ve got brunch with some friends then tackling the final bits of statistics for my final exam ever Monday! can’t. wait. Argh! Have a great chilled weekend!

    1. I Googled lamington, and while I’m still not sure what the word means exactly, I know it must mean something awesome. Holy cow, pancake amazing-ness!

      Good luck studying! I hated and loved stats at the same time in school. It’s one of the only maths you’ll actually use in real life haha. You’ll totally kill that exam!

  8. I’m so happy you liked the soup! You made it look very drool worthy, thank you! 🙂

    I still need to try the EOS lip balm. So many people have said it’s awesome.

    Your weekend sounds perfect! I am hoping to get a little relaxing in too!

  9. i love that lip balm and i’ve such a need to get it but i have no idea where;o i’ve been obsessed with strawberry ice ♡ probably because it is so hot in NZ

  10. I’ve just bought some sweet potato chips to try but haven’t had them yet. Those flowers from Riley are so sweet and so nice how in tune he is with you 🙂

    That lip balm sounds great too!!

    Happy Friday (or now Saturday) I hope you enjoy some much needed rest and relaxation this weekend lady!!

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